Linux Desktop Distro Hopping

This post is largely for my own benefit so I can remember what was good and bad about each, but I am writing this with a little more context so it may be helpful to someone else.

What is Linux

Linux is an Operating System. Well, technically GNU/Linux is the OS and Linux is the kernel that they are built on top of it.

What Is Distro Hopping?

Each GNU/Linux OS is referred to as a Linux flavor or distro, and bouncing around trying different flavors is known as distro hopping. It is a very common practice within the Linux community. There are many reasons why; the number of choices, curiosity, and FOMO to name a few.

I have been distro hopping since about 2007. I have tried many distros over the years, never really fully jumping in. I only two years ago finally switched to Linux as a daily driver, and I still have Windows in case I need it for something. I have some limitations that keep me on Debian based distros. I’ve landed on three that I like, and switch between, but often forget the little nuances that made me want to try something else.

If you would like to see what distros are available, new, and popular, check out


Ubuntu is the first Linux OS I used. It is my current daily driver, but there are little nitpicky things I don’t care for.


  • Solid
  • Secure Boot support
  • DisplayLink works well


  • I don’t like their customizations to Gnome Desktop Environment
  • No tiling windows
  • The pink and purple are a little obnoxious

Linux Mint

There will always be a special place in my heart for Linux Mint. It was one of the first OS’s I tried after Ubuntu. As a beginner, I found Mint to be much easier to use than Ubuntu. I didn’t like when they changed from Gnome to the Mate/Cinnamon desktop environments. They are fine, but lack some of the niceties of other desktop environments. Also, having two environments to choose from adds some complexity to running an OS known for being beginner friendly.


  • Solid


  • Lackluster Desktop Environment
  • No tiling windows
  • No secure boot (dual boot with Windows 11 will not be possible)

Pop! OS

Pop!_OS is built by System 76, a computer maker. They exclusively make their computers for Linux. Ubuntu is the OS they used to ship on their computers, but have now developed their own.


  • Very nice look and feel
  • Tiling windows


  • No secure boot (dual boot with Windows 11 will not be possible

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