Linux Desktop Distro Hopping

Desk with typewriter

This post is largely for my own benefit so I can remember what was good and bad about each, but I am writing this with a little more context so it may be helpful to someone else. What is Linux Linux is an Operating System. Well, technically GNU/Linux is the OS and Linux is the … Read more

Tripped Up By Composer

I recently started another stint of learning. I will be starting some Gutenberg block development soon, so I wanted to research it and other things that can help on my journey. A little WP-CLI here, a little NPM there, you get the picture. Since composer has come up a couple times, I decided to take … Read more

First Post… hi

Welcome to my new blog! My first exposure to WordPress was in 2013 when my PHP 2 group at WCTC created a WordPress site for Pink Banana Theater in Milwaukee. I hadn’t touched it much until I started working for UWSA earlier this year. I now spend a lot of time maintaining the backend code … Read more